Waluigi Kirby (Sketch)

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My motivation

When I am feeling lazy or like quitting a way to self-motivate is to think of the outcome of the situation, if the reward is worth the trouble, or also by having knowledge over what my responsibilities are and they should be addressed. Apathy usually strikes me during tasks I do not want to do, or an easier task comes at hand. To combat apathy I try just forcing myself to do the task, because I am not going to get anything done if I lazy around.

Self-motivation and creativity are fundamental to success.  People should not wait for someone to motivate them or make them feel good, because they might not always be around. They need to know how to help themselves. There needs to be creativity in self-motivation, because you might just get used to this idea that might be more effective if it is fun or memorable.

The most self-motivated time is rather embarrassing, but I will never forget it. Once in Houston Community College I had arrived to a class a month early and could not call home because my dad had to go to work immediately after that and my mom was working. So I started walking home, but forgot how to get there. So I walked and walked even after I realized I was lost. I did not wanted to ask drivers for directions because I thought it was disturbing and I was a little shy at the moment. Until I decided to step out of my comfort zone and ask for direction to two men on the street. They were really helpful and eventually I made it home. Throughout the whole journey I thought “don’t give up, you can get home”.

The most creative moment of my life might be back when I taught to read in High school for a dual credit class. In the beginning I thought “okay, just read what is on the packet and done”, but my student would be really bored after a while. So I started thinking of a new system like exploring more about the book chosen or assigned and randomizing the vocabulary word that were assigned. That way she might get more interested in the lesson and I would be sure she was learning.

My advice about self motivation would be to try your best, do not give up, you are the only one stopping you from completing that goals you set out to do. Also try stepping out of your comfort zone, because it is interesting trying something new for a change.